Cannabis Research

Dive into cannabis with Elemental Wellness: Quick insights, essential tips, and all you need for a better cannabis journey.

The names Indica and Sativa are botanical terms used to describe the species of the cannabis plant Indica Sativa Ruderalis

Here you will find a list with hyperlinks to all the articles full text or abstracts online 2018 Testing associations

Cannabinoids and Their Relationships lt h3 gt Medical Cannabis Terpenoid Key lt h3 gt lt style gt elementor 8211 v3

THC or Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol is the most well known cannabinoid compound found in cannabis It is the main psychoactive

Terpenoids are a diverse class of chemical compounds naturally produced by a large variety of plants and flowers including cannabis

The Healing Compounds in Cannabis THC and CBD are produced by the cannabis plant and are pharmaceutically known as phytocannabinoids

Cannabidiol CBD is one of the many cannabinoid compounds that the cannabis plant produces CBD exhibits numerous therapeutic properties but

In the past, it was seen strictly as a recreational product, but rapid advances in scientific and medical research have uncovered the astounding therapeutic potential of the cannabis plant. Recently, heavyweight organizations, like the American Medical Association and Harvard Medical School, have been conducting clinical trials with cannabis to study its effectiveness as a medical treatment, as the pharmaceutical industry looks on with great interest.

The human brain contains cannabinoid receptors, which help the body regulate mood, memory, appetite, and pain sensation. The body can naturally produce these endocannabinoids or they can be introduced into the system by way of cannabis. With an increased focus on these health-inducing compounds, medical professionals have begun recommending cannabis in treatment for a wide array of medical conditions, from Alzheimer’s disease to Epilepsy, Cancer, Glaucoma, Stress, Insomnia, Hyper-tension, Back Pain, and more.

Cannabis use has evolved far beyond the days of rolling joints and packing pipes. It comes in many forms today, including capsules, sprays, ice cream and skin cream. You can even juice with cannabis in its raw form (meaning that you can get the medical benefits without experiencing the high). And major advances in dosing have evolved, as more strains are lab-tested to determine their potency and levels of the various therapeutic compounds (aiding in our ability to target specific illnesses). The fact that cannabis is a versatile supplement to traditional treatment methods, with little to no side effects, and can be used by patients who want to take charge of their own health, only adds to its allure.

To learn more about medical cannabis, browse the LEARN section of this website and read our Understanding Medical Cannabis Guide. It is a practical and informative booklet that explains a myriad of topics from how to process and safely administer cannabis to the specific medicinal effects provided by various cannabinoids and terpenoids present in the plant. Click to download a PDF of this definitive primer on medical cannabis.