Cannabis can be used for a wide variety of ailments, however rigorous clinical research is still relatively limited due to federal government regulations. Around the globe, controlled trials are taking place and more scientific information on the therapeutic effects of cannabis is being established.

Treatable Conditions

Active Compounds

Cannabichromene (CBC), Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), Cannabidivarin (CBDV), Cannabigerol (CBG), Cannabinol (CBN), Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV), Terpenoids.There may be more than 60 other cannabinoids and more than 200 terpenoids in cannabis.

How this Medicine is Supplied

Cannabis comes in various forms: dried plant material (“buds”, tea leaves), concentrate (hash, “wax”, tincture, oil, capsules), topical salve, edible (including drinks).

Do Not Use this Medicine if:

Before Using this Medicine, Always Talk to Your Physician if:

How to Use This Medicine

Use this medicine as directed by your doctor. Dosage and frequency of administration will vary according to route of administration (smoke, vaporization, ingestion, skin), percentage of therapeutic ingredients, and other medicines taken. Ask your doctor or dispensary to explain what dosage, mode of consumption, and frequency is best for you. Remember that concentrates have higher dosages per weight of medicine than other forms. Make sure you give the medicine sufficient time to take effect. This is especially important with the edible form of cannabis where therapeutic effect may take up to 1-2 hours before taking effect. Eating too much medicine too fast may cause unwanted side effects. Use this medicine only for the length of time recommended by your doctor. It is not recommended to use this medicine in combination with tobacco.

Important Safety Information About This Medicine

1. any drugs that slow down the central nervous system, causing drowsiness. This may include sleeping pills, tranquilizers, some pain medications, some antihistamines or cold medications or seizure medications, and cannabis

2. when using antiviral drugs used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS.

Possible Side Effects of This Medicine

From Initial use:

From Long-term use:

Proper Storage of This Medicine

Store in a tightly closed, opaque, child proof container, in a cool, safe and secure place. Store away from heat, moisture and light.

General Information